This photograph has been added to my on going Still Life projects. Please visit the latest collection: Still Life IV

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Archangel Cassiel, the domain of solitude and tears...
Thinking about the many celebrations at this time of year: harvest, Day of the Dead, All Saints, autumn...
AndalucĂ­a: 7 landscapes
AndalucĂ­a: 7 landscapes
The Stairs
Listening to Marvyn Peake's 'Gormenghast'...
This are not a painting. I feel obliged to explain verbally these images: The original still life photograph is lifted, raised to another level, to another interpretation, a new reality. A curator placed this final interpretation in the realm of Magic Realism, a term which is commonly applied to literature, specifically Latin American fiction. And thus attempting to bridge the gap between traditional photography and traditional painting (the repetition of 'traditional' is intended)
Somewhere in the Andes
Working on some photographs taken some years ago... Quimsa Cruz, a section of the Cordillera de los Andes
A ruin, somewhere in Spain
An image I found taken some years which is quite inspirational...
Tres lagunas: Serranias de Murillo, La Paz
As we left La Paz behind we climbed up to 4852 metres over sea level going past three high altitude lakes. The mind cannot capture proportions so what the camera and/or the eye sees as near in fact is quite far away: if you look carefully there are 2 cows pasturing in the yellow band on the other side of the lake in the second image...
The dweller of a Chullpa
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The Elham Valley: The church of St Mary & St Ethelburga
This is the last stage of our walk from Elham to Lyminge in Kent. The fine church of St Mary and St. Ethelburga y Lyminge
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