Another image added to my ongoing Still Life project. Please follow this link to view the other images.

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Scotney Castle, Kent
As castles go, this one is more a folly, made so by the owner. "Castle" is such a relative term, if one visits a Spanish castle and their monumental nature, this is more like a small country cottage...
Wheat along the path to Ripple
Walking from the level crossing to Solley's ice cream parlour, the wheat field almos ready to harvest. Ripple is near Walmer and Deal, Kent.
My fascination for decay and stability:two contradictory forces at play, as well as dark and light...
Illimani: a waterfall in light and shade
The fast moving clouds danced around the foothills of the sacred mountain Illimani illuminating a majestic waterfall and a high altitude shelter hardly visible at the top of the waterfall.
Somewhere in the Andes: Serranias de Murillo
This is a teaser: one of the images in my upcoming landscapes project...
My photograph on the VIA Arts Price 2018
The Embassy of Brazil in London and the Association of Cultural Attachés of Latin America, Spain and Portugal, in partnership with Itaú BBA and People’s Palace Projects (Queen Mary University of London) have selected the image above as one of 30 for the prestigious VIA ARTS PRICE 2018. The exhibition will be open to the public between 14th December and 31st January, Monday-Friday (10am-6pm). At Sala Brasil Gallery 14 – 16 Cockspur Street, SW1Y 5BL Hope to see you there! Javier
The path
Another iPhone image: Greenwich Park in monochrome
The Self adrift (or The Self as Ophelia)
This project is yet another of my continuous effort to bridge the gap between traditional photography and traditional painting. A self portrait within the mythical story of Ophelia.
Revisiting four lakes
Revisiting the light of these images, high altitude lakes
The Warren - Folkestone
A day at The Warren with the iPhone
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