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What with the quarantines, winter and continuous rain, I am outputting more still life, as a wait for the ingredients needed to start a cyanotype project. This image will be a possible one.
Somewhere in Spain...
Some years back, on my way to Portugal through Northern Spain, over the Picos de Europa by motorcycle I took this picture, reworked now to complete my vision. I have a Yamaha V-Max 1200 that takes my breath away every time I ride it.
The Room
The room....
Two instances of a sunset
Discovered these two images while revising old folders: Rio Abajo, Bolivia, 2017
The Storm
.... hallucinations that emerge when a notion is transformed entirely into images, showing a thought in its pre-conceptual, not yet comprehended state, before the synthesis sets in;... are they dreams, daydreams, reveries? Illusions, conceits, visions? These apparitions are said to be delusional, and yet they constitute the base, the abyss of every thought, every feeling. Marion Poschmann The pine Islands
Hydrangea Annabelle or dried flowers
Following the landscape recently published: Dried Flowers, this is the flower in question, hydrangea.
The Light shines in the darkness...
St Sebastian, martyr. Religion is a controversial subject, yet one can trace the history of strong belief in all religions. The strength of conviction is what I consider lacking in today's Procrustean times...
The woods by the lake
A remote Spanish village
At the end of the road from Nijar, Andalusia a well kept village with its own hermit and fresh water gushing from the mountain.
The Worship
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