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Seasalter sunset
Looking at the sun setting in the horizon, Seasalter beach, Kent.
Still Life with landscape
This image was inspired by a painting by Bolivian acuarelista Ricardo Pérez Alcalá
One fish... one loaf
A fish and a loaf....
Cabo de Gata: dry lands
As part of reducing my colour output and exploring high contrast dark images, here a sample from the dry lands near Nijar, Almeria
A distant portrait...
Decay II
Discovering the inside of a fruit that had been kept far too long
Rediscovering the black and white
The Fall
After much consideration and doubt...
"Ariadne, I'm coming out
I just need to work this maze inside my head
I came to like you as I killed the beast inside my heart
That part of me is dead..."
From 'The Labyrinth Song' by Asaf Avidan
Where the air is thin
Why do we choose to live in such far away places?
Up above the clouds, with nothing but Nature and hard living...