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A summary portfolio
The Self -Portraits (part 1)
The Self - portraits (part 2)
The Other - portraits (part 3)
All Portraits
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Portraits
Two instance of a recollection
Imagination II
Imaginations III
Imagination IV
Imaginations V
Imaginations VI
Imaginations VII
Imagination VIII
Imagination IX
The Pilgrim series
Still Life
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Still Life
Still Life collection
Still Life collection II
Still Life collection III
Still Life IV
Still Life V
Still Life VI
Still Life VII
Still Life VIII
Calla lilies
Greenwich Park through the seasons: Summer 2024
Seven sunsets over the sacred Lake Titicaca
Copacabana, lake Titicaca sunsets
Five morning views - La Paz
La Paz, Bolivia: views from the cable car
La Paz, Bolivia: yesterday and today (1975-2023)
Four instances of a recollection: Lake Titicaca
Cerro El Calvario, Copacabana - La Paz, Bolivia
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Landscapes
As the fog clears. Greenwich Park scenes.
Clouds over Bodiam Castle
Some statues at Pashley Manor and Gardens
Greenwich Park in the snow - part 2
Around Sassetta on the Tuscan hills
The River Rother - Bodiam, East Sussex
The Arno and Giardino Scotto - Pisa
Looking back: dawn over La Paz
To Cairoma along the Kimsa Cruz cordillera
To Serranias de Murillo
London from the Sky Garden
Black and White
A murder of silhouettes
Greenwich Park in 4 black and white diptychs
Memories of a Casa de Hacienda, Cairoma
Returning to La Paz - landscapes
Returning to La Paz - patios and environs
Returning to La Paz - Cityscapes
Returning to La Paz: people
A monochrome essay - part 1
A monochrome essay - part 2
Rodalquilar: an abandoned gold mine
The Aircraft Circus: Trapeze
Toledo in monochrome
Five nudes (analogue: Kodak T-Max400)
Greenwich in infrared
Javier Molina B.
Contact me
Contact Form
A summary portfolio
The Self -Portraits (part 1)
The Self - portraits (part 2)
The Other - portraits (part 3)
All Portraits
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Portraits
Two instance of a recollection
Imagination II
Imaginations III
Imagination IV
Imaginations V
Imaginations VI
Imaginations VII
Imagination VIII
Imagination IX
The Pilgrim series
Still Life
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Still Life
Still Life collection
Still Life collection II
Still Life collection III
Still Life IV
Still Life V
Still Life VI
Still Life VII
Still Life VIII
Calla lilies
Greenwich Park through the seasons: Summer 2024
Seven sunsets over the sacred Lake Titicaca
Copacabana, lake Titicaca sunsets
Five morning views - La Paz
La Paz, Bolivia: views from the cable car
La Paz, Bolivia: yesterday and today (1975-2023)
Four instances of a recollection: Lake Titicaca
Cerro El Calvario, Copacabana - La Paz, Bolivia
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Landscapes
As the fog clears. Greenwich Park scenes.
Clouds over Bodiam Castle
Some statues at Pashley Manor and Gardens
Greenwich Park in the snow - part 2
Around Sassetta on the Tuscan hills
The River Rother - Bodiam, East Sussex
The Arno and Giardino Scotto - Pisa
Looking back: dawn over La Paz
To Cairoma along the Kimsa Cruz cordillera
To Serranias de Murillo
London from the Sky Garden
Black and White
A murder of silhouettes
Greenwich Park in 4 black and white diptychs
Memories of a Casa de Hacienda, Cairoma
Returning to La Paz - landscapes
Returning to La Paz - patios and environs
Returning to La Paz - Cityscapes
Returning to La Paz: people
A monochrome essay - part 1
A monochrome essay - part 2
Rodalquilar: an abandoned gold mine
The Aircraft Circus: Trapeze
Toledo in monochrome
Five nudes (analogue: Kodak T-Max400)
Greenwich in infrared
This new Still Life has been added to my ongoing
Still Life V
I would so appreciate it if you were to view the other 4 collections:
Still Live I
Still Life II
Still Life III
Still Life IV
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