A walk from Winn Common through Abbey Woods to the Thames

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A walk along the Thames - part 1: St. Paul's Cathedral
I decided to move away from my confort zone and take photographs of people along the Thames south side, although there were crowds, I could not see them, my eye went for what I can see.
Ayasofya Camii - Hagia Sophia
The calligraphy in the main dome of Hagia Sophia is The Verse of Light — the 35th verse of the 24th surah of the Quran: "Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth".
The Self up close
I have recently discovered the power of Dynamic Symmetry, its origin, its stipulations and history. One quote from the person who put the principles together, Jay Hambridge, is worth mentioning: “As moral law without intellectual direction fails, ends in intolerance, so instinctive art without mental control is bound to fail, to end in incoherence. In Art the control of reason means the rule of design.” (Hambridge, Jay. The Elements od Dynamic Symmetry. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 1967). I would urge you to incorporate dynamic symmetry into you static compositions.
Still Life
Not much to say... other tan this is a still life...
Where is the Light...
Listening to a song by David Ramirez "Stone Age" that bounced around in my head for a couple of days...
The Self - 4
Continuing with my Portraits project: The Self 4
El Espejo de Humo
The representation of the god of the night: Tescatlipoca, the Knife of Obsidian. While listening to Lila Downs' " Mano Negra" from her 'Balas y Chocolate' album
The Stairs
Listening to Marvyn Peake's 'Gormenghast'...
Rediscovering the black and white
The turquoise sea
The turquoise, rich cyan/blue caught my eye
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