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Etna sunset
a sunset over Etna from Taormina, the Lady of the Rock chapel
Scotney Castle, Kent
As castles go, this one is more a folly, made so by the owner. "Castle" is such a relative term, if one visits a Spanish castle and their monumental nature, this is more like a small country cottage...
Duality exemplified in this image: dark and light, permanence and decay, circle and square, symbolised by pairs: two pairs of flowers, two glasses, two pomegranates, one split in four...
An Andean belfry
Once again going back in time with photographs I have taken and become a reality once again by the power of memory and feeling
Time as is
The flow to time...
The Passage
" The action or process of moving through or past somewhere on the way from one place or state to another"
Early blossom: Hern Hill - Kent
Spring Onions
I saw these spring onions and had to do something about it.
Pomegranates and grapes
Continuing with my second Still Life...
Hops, cabbage and cauliflower
Starting a new section of Still Life projects...