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Still Life
Not much to say... other tan this is a still life...
Unicorn running through Laguna Negra
Project mixing picture and digital colorization. basis picture from Javier Molina. including an unicorn running through a virgin landscape
Gran Poder: Masks
Inevitably it is necessary to give a historical perspective of this yearly festival that takes place in the city of La Paz, Bolivia in the first week of June. The celebration transforms and stimulates the social life of La Paz every year, emanating from a particular way of understanding and living Andean Catholicism. The Parade begins with a procession through the western part of the city. This procession is central to the event, involving 40,000 devotees who dance and sing in an offering to the patron saint. The dance has a sacred significance for the sixty-nine fraternities involved, which are greeted in the streets in a euphoric atmosphere where the music of 7,000 musicians resonates. It is so owe inspiring that it is rightfully a UNESCO Wold Heritage event (Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity). The image venerated with dance and music is believed to have arrived in the city at the founding of the convent of the Mothers of the Sacred Conception on the 8th of December 1663.
A ruin...
While looking through old images I found this one that I had rejected at the time, but now it appeals to me...
El Angel del Gran Poder
The yearly celebration of Jesus del Gran Poder gathers over 40,000 participants/dancers every year in May/June in La Paz, Bolivia. It is now considered part of UNESCO's Cultural Heritage.
Four more cyanotypes
It is apparent that the process is not 100% similar from one image/negative to another, at least not for me.
Rediscovering the black and white
The Morning
Inspired by Philippe Otto Runge.
Natural History Museum, London
An image taken a few years back, reworked using Zone System Express 6. I recommend to any photographer the use of Blake Rudis plugins and applications.
Autumn Harvest
An image I had taken a few years back and didn't know what to do with it. Time has shown me how to develop...
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