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A summary portfolio
The Self -Portraits (part 1)
The Self - portraits (part 2)
The Other - portraits (part 3)
All Portraits
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Portraits
Two instance of a recollection
Imagination II
Imaginations III
Imagination IV
Imaginations V
Imaginations VI
Imaginations VII
Imagination VIII
Imagination IX
The Pilgrim series
Still Life
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Still Life
Still Life collection
Still Life collection II
Still Life collection III
Still Life IV
Still Life V
Still Life VI
Still Life VII
Still Life VIII
Calla lilies
Greenwich Park through the seasons: Summer 2024
Seven sunsets over the sacred Lake Titicaca
Copacabana, lake Titicaca sunsets
Five morning views - La Paz
La Paz, Bolivia: views from the cable car
La Paz, Bolivia: yesterday and today (1975-2023)
Four instances of a recollection: Lake Titicaca
Cerro El Calvario, Copacabana - La Paz, Bolivia
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Landscapes
As the fog clears. Greenwich Park scenes.
Clouds over Bodiam Castle
Some statues at Pashley Manor and Gardens
Greenwich Park in the snow - part 2
Around Sassetta on the Tuscan hills
The River Rother - Bodiam, East Sussex
The Arno and Giardino Scotto - Pisa
Looking back: dawn over La Paz
To Cairoma along the Kimsa Cruz cordillera
To Serranias de Murillo
London from the Sky Garden
Black and White
A murder of silhouettes
Greenwich Park in 4 black and white diptychs
Memories of a Casa de Hacienda, Cairoma
Returning to La Paz - landscapes
Returning to La Paz - patios and environs
Returning to La Paz - Cityscapes
Returning to La Paz: people
A monochrome essay - part 1
A monochrome essay - part 2
Rodalquilar: an abandoned gold mine
The Aircraft Circus: Trapeze
Toledo in monochrome
Five nudes (analogue: Kodak T-Max400)
Greenwich in infrared
Javier Molina B.
Contact me
Contact Form
A summary portfolio
The Self -Portraits (part 1)
The Self - portraits (part 2)
The Other - portraits (part 3)
All Portraits
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Portraits
Two instance of a recollection
Imagination II
Imaginations III
Imagination IV
Imaginations V
Imaginations VI
Imaginations VII
Imagination VIII
Imagination IX
The Pilgrim series
Still Life
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Still Life
Still Life collection
Still Life collection II
Still Life collection III
Still Life IV
Still Life V
Still Life VI
Still Life VII
Still Life VIII
Calla lilies
Greenwich Park through the seasons: Summer 2024
Seven sunsets over the sacred Lake Titicaca
Copacabana, lake Titicaca sunsets
Five morning views - La Paz
La Paz, Bolivia: views from the cable car
La Paz, Bolivia: yesterday and today (1975-2023)
Four instances of a recollection: Lake Titicaca
Cerro El Calvario, Copacabana - La Paz, Bolivia
Pictorialism, a photographic essay: Landscapes
As the fog clears. Greenwich Park scenes.
Clouds over Bodiam Castle
Some statues at Pashley Manor and Gardens
Greenwich Park in the snow - part 2
Around Sassetta on the Tuscan hills
The River Rother - Bodiam, East Sussex
The Arno and Giardino Scotto - Pisa
Looking back: dawn over La Paz
To Cairoma along the Kimsa Cruz cordillera
To Serranias de Murillo
London from the Sky Garden
Black and White
A murder of silhouettes
Greenwich Park in 4 black and white diptychs
Memories of a Casa de Hacienda, Cairoma
Returning to La Paz - landscapes
Returning to La Paz - patios and environs
Returning to La Paz - Cityscapes
Returning to La Paz: people
A monochrome essay - part 1
A monochrome essay - part 2
Rodalquilar: an abandoned gold mine
The Aircraft Circus: Trapeze
Toledo in monochrome
Five nudes (analogue: Kodak T-Max400)
Greenwich in infrared
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Cityscapes - an Andean city (analogue: Ilford FP4)
A series of black and white photos
Summer clouds
Summer clouds and below the same setting...
Wheat in the wind...
While walking around Walmer, Kent... the wheat fields are almost ripe
Natural History Museum, London
An image taken a few years back, reworked using Zone System Express 6. I recommend to any photographer the use of Blake Rudis plugins and applications.
The last Cyanotype
This selection of 21 Cyanotypes are the last of my recent experiment. I have learned much specially patience and the beauty of uncertainty...
Imaginations III
The Third series or collection of imaginary scenes, fantasies, dreams.
Somewhere in Spain...
Some years back, on my way to Portugal through Northern Spain, over the Picos de Europa by motorcycle I took this picture, reworked now to complete my vision. I have a Yamaha V-Max 1200 that takes my breath away every time I ride it.
If I told my story...
The image came to me while listening to Peter Bradley Adams' song "Who else could I be..." I photographed the dead fox by the side of the road on my walk back home.
An essay on Spring clouds, Kent
Still Life
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