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Two instances of a sunset
Discovered these two images while revising old folders: Rio Abajo, Bolivia, 2017
The Self adrift (or The Self as Ophelia)
This project is yet another of my continuous effort to bridge the gap between traditional photography and traditional painting. A self portrait within the mythical story of Ophelia.
The Square
A work in progress which late became the background to my self-portrait
The Self - 5
Continuing with my Projects series: The Self. I was testing the lights and this was a test shot for another self portrait: a keeper if there was one! The other Self portrait is The Self - 5
Grain Fort and cause-way
A reconstruction of the fort and its cause-way, as the tide comes in...
A Garden...
While having breakfast I noticed this wall....
A humming bird in time...
The Island
Reviewing an image I had created long ago, made a few changes in colour.
The Self up close
I have recently discovered the power of Dynamic Symmetry, its origin, its stipulations and history. One quote from the person who put the principles together, Jay Hambridge, is worth mentioning: “As moral law without intellectual direction fails, ends in intolerance, so instinctive art without mental control is bound to fail, to end in incoherence. In Art the control of reason means the rule of design.” (Hambridge, Jay. The Elements od Dynamic Symmetry. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 1967). I would urge you to incorporate dynamic symmetry into you static compositions.
Where the air is thin
Why do we choose to live in such far away places? Up above the clouds, with nothing but Nature and hard living...
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