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A tree and its bench
A Tree and its bench...

Greenwich Park in the snow - part 1
This first collection was taken with a Nikon D810. The difference in colour and data content is perceptible compared to my Nikon D7000. The difference will be posted in the next batch.

A clover leaf
The leaf of clover and the Aloe Vera plant on my kitchen window sill...

When the Night comes...
When the night comes
And you lay your weary head to rest
No more trials, no tests
When the night comes
Don't be afraid
You're only dreaming
Don't be afraid
You're only dreaming

A Memory of Autumn II
Adding to my continuous Still Life Projects

Stabat Mater (lirios)
On dead-heading some flowers on my balcony, it occurred to me that these wilted lilies might just be a good subject for a still life composition.

Blood Orange
Continuing with my Still Life project....

A memory of Bewl Water

After Jerry Uelsmann
Inspired by Uelsmann's analogue work...

The Window
Isolation seems to be the feeling one gets these strange times, full of uncertainty and peril...