From Australia ✼ Yolanda Caporn

Lake Wendouree in Ballarat, Australia.
From Australia ✼ Diane Quee

Zero Degree, Zero Bullying
Winter can be a difficult and harmful experience for many plants, animals and people. Just like winter, bullying is a negative and harmful experience for the victims of bullies. It can cause psychological, social or physical harm. Seek help if you are being bullied. The effects of winter and bullying can be partly alleviated by warmth and kindness.
From Australia ✼ Elaine Ye

From Austria ✼ Manfred Mally

A tree stands there, sad and naked, as if it had given up on life. It seems wrapped up in loneliness and sadness and now makes the end of this year complete.
From Belarus ✼ Masha Dudar

The Winter
From Belarus ✼ Henadz Krauchanka

From Brazil ✼ Fátima Seehagen

From Brazil ✼ Rivail .

Polar bear: my art is to remember how this bear species is in danger of extinction.
From Brazil ✼ Sol Vasilliorf

Photo taken at the beginning of winter in Lençóis National Park (Brazil), also known as "bedsheets of Maranhão".
As it is close to the Equator (latitude of 2.76°S), temperatures in this region exceed 20 degrees.
There are no mountains with snow-capped peaks – so typical of the northern hemisphere – but rather, immense white dunes that hide small lagoons.
From Canada ✼ Lizy J Campbell Lizzywhothefunkc

I took this photo while out on my walk here in Cornwall Ontario Canada.
From Canada ✼ Sylvie D

L'hiver dans le jardin japonais / Winter in the Japanese garden
From Canada ✼ Philippe Lemoine

From Canada ✼ Guy Levesque

Perles de glace
From Canada ✼ Aleksandra Mikolajczak

The Colors of Winter
From Canada ✼ ✪ Matthew Sarides

Shadow of the Snow
From China ✼ Yan Hongfei

In winter, children create snowmen with different shapes using snow, bringing joy to winter.
From Denmark ✼ Jan Eriksen

From France ✼ Pietro Asproni

J’ai pris cette photo en février 2015, peu après mon arrivée en France. Il s’agit de ma première neige « française », le village était magnifique, même si nous n’avons pas pu le quitter pendant une journée entière.
From France ✼ André Breton

From France ✼ Dan Guimberteau

Winter Scene / Scène d'Hiver
From France ✼ Yves JACOB

Winter Melody
From France ✼ Mouna KHADRA

Que sont les saisons des années sinon vos propres pensées qui évoluent ? Le printemps est un éveil dans votre cœur, et l'été vous révèle votre fertilité. Quant à l'automne, n'est-il pas votre passé qui chante une berceuse à ce qui subsiste en vous de l'enfance ? Et l'hiver, je vous le demande, n'est-il pas une somnolence enceinte des rêves des autres saisons ? - Khalil Gibran
From France ✼ Drakke Lerouge


From Germany ✼ Wolfgang Barth


Christian Barthold: "Winter“ - published in Taschen Illustration NOW 1.
From Germany ✼ Sven Hähle

Hair ice
Hair ice is a somewhat uncommon type of ice that forms on dead wood and takes the shape of fine, silky hair. I was lucky enough to photograph it during a January hike in Southeast Bavaria. The famous meteorologist Alfred Wegener described hair ice on wet dead wood in 1918, assuming some specific fungi as the catalyst. In 2015, the fungus Exidiopsis effusa was identified as key to the formation of hair ice.
From Germany ✼ Annette Hakenberg

From Germany ✼ Roland Leiße

From Germany ✼ Torsten Krüger

From Germany ✼ lightwhisperer (dirk luehder)

Winter Morning
From Germany ✼ Chrysanth von Steinbuechel-Rheinwall


From Germany ✼ Margret Tschirch

In the Heart Of Nature
From Germany ✼ Joachim Weitz

Winter flowering
The fruit stand of the plate hydrangea in high winter.
From India ✼ Swati Kamalakar

From Italy ✼ Paola Bottoni

From Italy ✼ Giuseppe Brusa

From Italy ✼ Pina Muscas



A little tour
From Japan ✼ Kenji Inoue

First Snow
From Japan ✼ ks mlt

It was taken at my local temple in December. I noticed that the Hanachozu (water basins decorated with flowers at the entrance of the temple that are used to wash hands) included Christmas-themed colours and baubles. It is quite interesting to see how Japanese Buddhism is very open to other traditions.
I picked this picture because it felt warm and happy, perfect for this time of year.
From Japan ✼ Yoko Ootsuka

The shelter
From Japan ✼ Yoko Shibata

Bombycilla garrulus and mistletoe 黄連雀 太平鳥
This bird is, Bombycilla garrulus, Yellow-bellied sparrow, Taiping bird, etc. This bird feeds on mistletoe and other berries. It feeds on mistletoe and other berries. They are migratory birds that fly to Japan in winter.

From Netherlands ✼ Robert Peek

From Poland ✼ Katarzyna Mrożewska


Aren't you cold?
From Poland ✼ Krzysztof Tusiewicz

Colours of winter
From Poland ✼ Zbig Wolowiec

Winter in the lens, lens in winter. Dedicated to Sylvie D.
From Poland ✼ Bogdan Wziątek

Lake in winter
From Czech Republic ✼ Mahla EghbaliNejad

From Scotland ✼ Alec Stewart

From Slovakia ✼ Viera Babecova

From Spain ✼ Yulia Correal

Children's illustration
From Spain ✼ Rossend Gri i Casas

Le vieil Annecy ("Old Annecy"; not to be confused with Annecy-le-Vieux, formerly a neighboring town but now merged into Annecy), was a settlement from the time of the Romans. Annecy was the court of the counts of Geneva or Genevois from the 10th century. It passed to the counts of Savoy in 1401. In 1444, it became the regional capital of the provinces of Genevois, Faucigny and Beaufortain.
From Spain ✼ Jobove - Reus

From Sri Lanka ✼ Tony Fernando

From Sweden ✼ Nick John


From Turkey ✼ Gamze Altıntaş

From Turkey ✼ Eser Dilmen

"A street in Istanbul in winter..."🚗❄☃
From Turkey ✼ Beyhan GSar

From Turkey ✼ Atakan Kubilay

From Turkey ✼ Ziya TATAR

From Ukraine ✼ Taras Bilyk БіТЛ

Rocks (oil on canvas)

Frozen Forest
From Ukraine ✼ Oleg Hrytsenko

From Ukraine ✼ Olga Kovtun

From Ukraine ✼ Igor Tokaruk

From Ukraine ✼ Kateryna Vashchenkova Kaya

Ukrainian winter
United Kingdom ✼ DigitalArtist John

From United Kingdom ✼ Javier Molina B.

Greenwich Park in the snow
No animal can learn that which his heart has no way to hold
From United States of America ✼ Brian Autio

From United States of America ✼ Steven Baggett

This is a winter scene that I shot on Tuesday March 6, 2024. It is the Blue Mountains with Oregon in the foreground and Idaho in the background.

Camelia Blossom December 8, 2023

New Beginnings
Two lovers embrace the season, that begins with a Moorhen family. They share in their delight, with two little winter sprites. And their lives have new beginnings.
From United States of America ✼ Steve Cohen

The Winter of A Man
'"Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent," Shakespeare Wrote.
Perhaps. But The Winter Of The Life Of A Person Can Be So Much More.
Power, Dignity And Gravitas Earned By Years Of Living.
Perhaps. But The Winter Of The Life Of A Person Can Be So Much More.
Power, Dignity And Gravitas Earned By Years Of Living.
Less Striving To Win The Rat Race Every Day,
And More Understanding Of How The Real Maze Fits Together.
Less Ego Imperative And More Personal Peace.
Less Ego Imperative And More Personal Peace.
Not True For All. Not True For Any, Every Day. But Perhaps A Goal To Strive For.
And An Achievement To Be Respected.
And An Achievement To Be Respected.
From United States of America ✼ Edith Crane

From United States of America ✼ Jimm Hughey

From United States of America ✼ Wellington Lee

Touch of Snow
Mother Nature has put icing on the cake for the statutes at MoMA garden.
From United States of America ✼ Lumin Osity

Newmarket in England is the Racehorse capital of the world for breeding and training; the stadium racetrack is in the background.
It was early morning; the training field was covered in frost and freezing. I was alone and walking away from the jockey when I heard the thud of the gallop behind me; I turned and quickly took the shot.
It was a wow moment!
The sunlight on the horse is rich in colour, and the face of the jockey is chiselled with a focus.
From United States of America ✼ Andy Royce


From United States of America ✼ Karen Stellmach

From Vietnam ✼ Vinh Dinh


Group projects coming in 2024
Out of chaos, dedicated to Gaza residents:
✧ The war in Gaza must stop. We must think beyond the conflict. We seek solutions. A ceasefire agreement is finally in sight. We wish them peace, a permanent ceasefire and the restoration of their lands. This project will be published on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, because we cannot ignore the tragic situation they are experiencing. Come share with us an image in solidarity with the residents of Gaza.
✧ One work by author
✧ Minimum size requested: 1280 x 720
✧ Deadline: September 20, 2024 / Release date: September 21, 2024
✧ Idea: Jimm Hughey
✧ Organizer: Jimm Hughey & Sylvie D
Accessible wildlife:
✧ Share three photos of the wildlife around you, the wildlife among us, or the wildlife you have access to. This could be playing a role for an orphaned animal, feeding the birds in your garden, visiting a local park, etc. Our project theme is “Accessible Wildlife”, underlining our commitment to sharing our wildlife experiences with everyone. This project will be released on World Animal Day
✧ 1 to 3 images (photos, drawings or paintings) by author. The three photos can be of the same animal also, with one line of text to describe all three images. In B&W or colour.
✧ 31 authors per project. Possibility of 2 projects
✧ Minimum size requested: 1280 x 720
✧ Deadline: October 3, 2024 / Release date: October 4, 2024
✧ Idea and text: Lumin Osity
✧ Organizer: Lumin Osity & Sylvie D.
Stop Violence against women:
✧ Match the grace and sacredness of flowers with that of women. A flower to honor them and condemn the brutality against them.
✧ One work by author
✧ Minimum size requested: 1280 x 720
✧ Deadline: November 24, 2024 / Release date: November 25, 2024
✧ + If you wish, you can write a few words (2-6 lines) about violence against women.
Layout: Fátima Seehagen / Organizer: MAURIZIO BONDESAN & Sylvie D